All clients are given a consultation at their first appointment to discuss any questions and review any post care instructions.
What is Sugaring?
SUGARING - The earliest references to hair removal came from the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece in about 1900 BC. During the Turkish Empire, the harem was an important part of court life and the removal of body hair was considered an art. There are stories of ancient kings asking that women be brought to them clean and smooth. Egyptian hieroglyphics describe how harem girls serving Pharaoh’s were expected to remove their body hair. It is said that Cleopatra herself was sugared!
Our clients are increasingly interested in more natural and holistic methods of caring for their bodies. We have re-discovered this safe, natural method of hair removal that provides PERMANENT hair REDUCTION, as well as thinner, finer hair.
Who is the Ideal Candidate?
Really, you can sugar almost anyone, with a few considerations:
*Please reach out if any of these apply to you
For clients using:
Retin A
Chemical Peels
strong antibiotics etc.,
You must discontinue use for 14 days before sugaring treatment. A patch test can be done to establish if it is safe to sugar after the 14 days have passed. Those with severely compromised skin may need to wait up to 28 days.
For clients using:
Anyone using Accutane must discontinue use for a minimum of 28 days after which a patch test may be done to establish If it is safe to sugar you
For clients who are undergoing treatment for Cancer, it is recommended that they get a doctor’s ok, and then a patch test may be done to establish if it’s safe to sugar them.
Anyone with a fungus or bacterial infection will not be treated
Is Sugaring More Painful than Waxing?
This entirely depends on your personal pain tolerance. For some people, all types of hair removal can be painful. For others, sugaring might not be painful at all. Sugaring is usually considered less painful than waxing because the mixture does not adhere to the skin.
How Long do the Hairs Need to be?
1/4 of an inch so there is a more uniform length at your first appointment. After your first appointment, for best results your hair should be at least 1/8 of an inch long, Approximately 10 – 14 days growth and 1/4 inch for legs.
How Often do I Need to get Sugared? How Long do the Results Last?
It really depends on how fast and thick your hair grows back! After your first appointment, sugaring will last around 3 weeks, you would typically book for your second appointment at the 4-5-week mark. Your technician will discuss this with you at your appointment!
If you keep regular appointments, you may find that the process becomes less painful and that your hair grows back slower over time. If you do not keep up with your appointment schedule, though, the hair growth cycle will get disrupted and you will have to start from scratch.
Before Your Appointment
• Clients should come in with as clean of skin as possible
• No working out, sunbathing, or Tanning beds, spray tans the day before and of treatment and continued for 24 hours after appointment
• Arrive with no lotions or deodorants on (if having an underarm service)
• Sweat harbors bacteria, so refraining from working out is best.
After Care - Please Follow These Guidelines Strictly
After Sugaring treatment client should allow skin to rest at least 24 hours.
Clients should follow the suggestions below:
No Submersion in water, i.e.: hot tub, swimming pool, lake, bathtub. Showers are ok
No Sweating: No heavy working out or being in a hot environment where they would be sweating heavily. • Sweat harbors bacteria and we do not want bacteria in the freshly sugared areas.
Excess Heat can cause itchiness and possibly hives.
No Sun Exposure:
Skin is freshly exfoliated and new skin should not be exposed to UV Rays.
Exposure to heat can also cause micro-circulation that can contribute the hives and itchy or red skin
No Sexual activities: This is necessary for clients receiving Brazilian services or bikini sugaring, as we don’t want any foreign bacteria in the area.
Exfoliation / Rehydration
For optimal results you must exfoliate skin at home on a regular basis, 3 to 4 times a week to achieve optimum results from the sugaring treatments. It is important to slough away the dead and toughened skin cells to allow weaker hairs to come to the surface of the skin.
Exfoliating Mitt or Glove, or dry brushing recommended.
Ensure you are upping your water intake – hydrated skin is healthy skin
Redness or Itchy Skin After Appointment
Some clients may feel itchy or warm after a sugaring treatment.
Red, raised bumps (hives): They may alternately have splotching in the treatment area, where the skin is very white in spot with a diffuse redness around the area. This may occur immediately after the treatment or up to 24 hours later. Removal of Vellus hair on the face and other areas of the body (i.e.: arms) can be common areas for this reaction.
Cool compresses are optimal after treatment and at home to treat it
Some clients prefer to take an over the counter antihistamine before or after treatment to prevent reaction
Reaction will often lessen with repeated treatments
Red Spots on the Skin with no Accompanying Irritation:
After hair is removed, there are often small red spots that appear. They are usually not raised, and no pain or swelling is associated with them. This reaction is most often seen on the legs after hair removal and occurs when the hair is removed. Alternately it could be that the bulb was exceptionally large and stretched the mouth of the follicle as it was removed.
This kind of reaction usually indicates that hair was removed in the anagen stage, and has superior results, with little early regrowth.
The redness usually goes away within 24 hours with no after care.
Can I get Sugared While Pregnant?
First off, your hormone levels are changing during the pregnancy. This can lead to increased sensitivity for some women. By taking a Tylenol beforehand you can decrease this sensitivity, but make sure you check with your doctor first prior to booking an appointment for sugaring to be 100% safe!
Pregnancy can lead to increased hair growth on various parts of the body including the face, stomach, nipples, and feet. It can also grow thicker, faster, and darker than it previously had. We recommend not shaving these areas as this can worsen the problem. Instead, let us sugar you! Sugaring is a good alternative as it causes hair to come back lighter and less dense each time.
In conclusion, it is perfectly safe to continue sugaring, or even to start sugaring, while pregnant. We absolutely love taking care of our mom-to-Be’s. Let us take care of you, because seriously, you have enough on your plate already!
*We do require to talk to your doctor or midwife prior to appointment to discuss.

Contact us!
SE Calgary - Home Based Studio
The address will be given at the time of booking
Mon - Fri: 10am - 9pm \ ​​Saturday: 9am - 6pm \ Sunday: 11am - 3pm